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Published on 5 August 2024

Other Networks

Agriculture and Food Systems

We are a knowledge exchange platform of development practitioners working in the area of agriculture and food systems.

Cash and Voucher Assistance Hub

As a pioneer in CVA since the 1990s, our enduring commitment lies with those in need. We offer support through CVA, a modality in humanitarian aid. Explore how SDC operates globally as a CVA actor, donor, and advocate.

Climate, DRR and Environment (CDE)

Climate, Disaster Risk Reduction and Environment are topics that need to be considered in all sectors of development. By acting wisely, we can protect development gains and add value to nature- and climate positive development action. The CDE Network fosters knowledge, assists the policy dialogue in-house, disseminates experiences and innovation from SDC and partners, and informs on our multilateral engagement in Climate and DRR action.

Development Effectiveness (internal only)

Effective development cooperation is about making sure that all partners involved in development coordinate their work and deploy means and resources effectively to ensure maximum impact in eradicating poverty. The focus lies on the how of development cooperation.The SDC Development Effectiveness Shareweb connects practitioners to promote learning and exchange on effective development cooperation.

Economy and Education (E + E)

Welcome to the E+E shareweb of the Economy and Education Team, a platform for development practitioners working towards the creation of inclusive economic development programmes as well as quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. This common virtual space provides guidance on topics linked to economy and education and harnesses the expertise and lessons learnt of the E+E network.

Internal Control System (ICS) (internal only

Migration and Forced Displacement

What is SDC’s Migration & Forced Displacement Network? It is a platform for exchange to foster knowledge management and organisational learning - within SDC and with external partners. Here you can find its mandate & mission. This network is led by SDC's Migration and Forced Displacement Section

Multilateral Institutions

The Multilateral Network is the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) platform to promote exchange and learning within the organisation on all matters related to the multilateral system. The network strives to ensure coherence and effective representation of Switzerland's institutional and development policy interests – at global level as well as across its operational activities.

Peace, Governance and Equality

This public platform from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is to provide thematic guidance as well as to promote knowledge exchange and learning for Swiss governmental staff, development and humanitarian practitioners/partners at large. It is composed of the 3 following networks dealing with: Peace, Human Rights and Culture | Governance | Gender Equality and Social Inclusion.

Quality Assurance (internal only)

Regions-Knowledge Capitalisation Hub

On this platform, SDC shares inspiring best practices, stories and insights from different SDC regions around the world. Our publications are aimed at our programme partners and the wider international cooperation community.

Water (RésEAU)